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May 1, 2011

Introduction To HTML 5

Whenever a new technology comes into the market, it is often difficult for consumers to understand and use it to their advantage. HTML5 is still a new web technology that many people are still thinking what it is. Read this article to know, what is HTML5 and why you should use it?

Every web enthusiastic having even a bit of knowledge about making and working of websites would have heard about HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is the backbone of every website and creates a framework for its construction. Since its introduction, HTML is evolving continuously with newer versions. 
HTML5 is the newest version of HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0. WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group), formed by some experts from W3C (which originally created HTML), started working on new aspects of HTML and released HTML5.
Why HTML5 :-
HTML5 is developed to address the issues that are experienced in previous versions of HTML.   It is focused on the needs of web application developers. Since Internet has evolved extensively; increasing number of web applications are getting media heavy. This is the reason why older web technologies are no longer supporting newer needs and advanced applications.
 To accommodate the latest web needs to bring interactivity and functionality of multimedia to websites; HTML 4 is stretched and tweaked many times.  Furthermore, adding plugins like Flash, Silverlight and Java increase the costs.  Now with HTML5, users can take advantage of its new features to streamline the functionality without using heavy plugins. 
With HTML5, users can listen to songs embedded in a blog or watch a video without installing yet another plugin! It is really a big deal for the users with platforms that do not support things like Flash such as smartphones.
What Can HTML5 Do for you? :-
The media playback and offline storage are the most talked about features of HTML5.      Websites with HTML4 need plug-ins such as Flash or Silverlight to show videos or to play music. However, HTML5 allows the websites to embed directly the media using simple tags like “<video>” and “<audio>”!
Apart from this media functionality, another major addition is ability to store offline data for Web Applications. With HTML5, users can create files in Google Docs or they can draft e-mails even when they are not connected to internet.  When you come online next time, these changes will be automatically integrated. In addition, there are several other features   in HTML5 such as drag-and-drop.

Is it important to Learn HTML5? :-
Though HTML5 is the newest version of HTML, it attempts to stay backward compatible. Therefore, the thing is if you do not want to learn it just yet, you needn’t. However, if you are going to build complete webs application; you will definitely want to learn as it offers many new attributes and tags to help you.
A Few reasons why you should use HTML5
Presently, there is not much support for HTML5. But, there are many good reasons that convince you to invest in HTML5 today.

HTML5 is HTML :-
As you know HTML5 has evolved from HTML4 and XHTML1.0, it is the latest version of HTML. Though there are 28 new tags and some good techniques, you need not learn everything from scratch. Thus, without investing much time, you can acquire more functionality.
HTML will keep growing :-
Since the time of its introduction, HTML is constantly growing and will keep growing. To address the new needs, HTML5 will keep adding newer specifications and there will be never a time when you can say that now it is complete. Thus, there is no point in waiting for its final specifications to invest in. It is the time to switch over to future technology.
Most latest Browser support HTML5 :-
Most browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera support HTML5 today. Though Internet explorer cannot recognize new tags, it can parse them if a JavaScript shiv is added t to the page you are using.  However, it will not let you use audio, or video. For that, you need to use traditional things like Flash.
HTML5 is in Trend :-
Most browser vendors are supporting the HTML5 standards. This support is growing to improve with passing time. Some web applications such as Google Chrome, Safari and Firefox 3.6 are using are already using some elements of HTML5.
Though Flash will be there, future of internet has great place for HTML5.

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