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Sep 9, 2011

Software Pirates Cost Android Developers Serious Money

Software pirates cost Android developers serious money, according to a study released Thursday.

A survey of 75 Android developers conducted by location-based services specialist Skyhook found that 27% of developers see piracy as a ‘huge’ problem.
Another 26% of those surveyed see piracy as ‘somewhat’ of a problem. 53% of developers say Google is too ‘lax’ when it comes to patrolling the Android Market, Google’s alternative to Apple‘s App store.
The costs of piracy are very real. One-in-three developers say they’ve lost more than $10,000 in revenue due to piracy. 32% say piracy increases their support costs. One-in-four say piracy increases their server costs, with all those extra users piling onto their servers.
The complaints come as the market for mobile, Internet-connected apps in the United States has grown to 40 apps per user per year, according to the Yankee Group.
Another tech tracker, Ovum, predicts app downloads will surge 144% to 18 billion this year, from 7.4 billion downloads in 2010.
“Android apps are living in the Wild West without a sheriff,” Carl Howe, Yankee Group director of research said in a statement .”With five other major mobile OSs competing for consumer dollars, Google can’t afford to simply let pirates kill app developers’ businesses.”

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