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Nov 18, 2010



Every once in a while I meet someone who has absolutely no idea the
iPhone can do some very simple things such as moving icons around or
even deleting applications. To most of you this will sound like basic
iPhone features, however there are some really tech-challenged people
out there. This article is for them!

If you’re brand new to the iPhone, then read on because you’re going to learn some simple and effective tricks…

1. Quickly Add A ” . “:-

In any application that lets your input text, you can quickly add a period (” . “) by simply tapping the space bar twice.

2. Zooming In and Out in Google Maps

Instead of pinching your finger on the screen to zoom in and out in
Google Maps, simply double tap with one finger to zoom in, or tap once
with 2 fingers to zoom out.

3. Rearrange icons:-

To move icons around, simply hold you finger on one icon. All of them
will start wiggling. Rearrange them by dragging them around. When
you’re done, press the home button.

4. Delete Applications:-

To delete an application from your iPhone, hold your finger on the
app you want to delete until all apps start wiggling. Then tap the ” X ”
on the app you want to delete and confirm. Note that you can’t delete
the stock apps (ie Maps, Notes, etc…).

5. Create Additional Home Screens:-

While arranging icons, drag an icon to the right edge of the screen
until a new screen appears. You can flick to return to the original
screen and drag more icons to the new screen. You can create up to 11

6. Quickly Go Back to the First Home Screen:-

You can quickly go back to the first home screen from any screen by pressing the home button.

7. Adding an International Keyboard:-

If you sometimes type in a different language, it is wise to add this
language to your keyboard. To do so, go to Settings > General >
International > Keyboards, and choose the language you want to add.
To change keyboards while you’re typing, simply tap the little globe
icon at the bottom left of the keyboard.

8. Using Your iPhone As A Modem:-

There is a simple hack to allow you to get Internet access on your laptop using the Internet from your iPhone.

9. While On A Call:-

You can do pretty much anything while on a call, such as browsing the
web, writing notes, etc… While on a call, just press the home button
and feel free to open another application.

10. Deleting Lots of Text:-

If you have a lot of text to delete, hold your finger on the delete
key instead of tapping it many times. By holding the delete key, it will
start by deleting letter by letter, but after a few seconds, it will
delete word by word.


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