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Apr 30, 2011

Apple Owns The Domain For $4.5 million

Apple has purchased the domain name iCloud from a hybrid cloud computing company in Sweden called Xcerion. It's reported that those close to the matter have confirmed the purchase.

According to All Things D, it's rumored that Apple payed somewhere in the range of $4.5 million, but that detail remains unconfirmed.

While no plans have been announced for the new domain, it's very likely that Apple plans to do something with their new plans for the cloud-based iTunes and expanded MobileMe capabilities. We've heard these rumors many times in the past, but with a name like iCloud, it's hard to believe they aren't doing something with a domain. 
As the report states, Apple has that 500k square ft data center in North Carolina. Here is what we learned about the data center a few months back and we also heard that it would be operational by this spring. That may be the case already, but we probably wouldn't know until Apple makes an announcement and launches some sort of cloud-based service for iTunes and/or MobileMe.

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